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Welcome To Secret AdSense

Adit Bro

 Welcome to the Adsense Secret Indonesia group - Get more money !!!

What is Adsense Secret IDN?

Discussion group for Indonesian Google Adsense publishers created in June (2016). As a medium for learning and sharing tips, tricks, tutorials and secrets related to Google Adsense, to make it easier for beginners who have difficulty running a business with Adsense advertising.

Niche group Adsense Secret IDN

Discussion groups about SEO, blogs/websites, YouTube, AdMob, and other Google products that can be connected to Google Adsense. In addition, discussions related to internet marketing and affiliate marketing are also topics in this group.

Who is the Adsense Secret IDN group for?

Discussion group for #bloggers, #youtubers, #developers, #affiliaters, #influencers, and other #internetmarketing / #businessonline professionals related to #googleadsense.

Adsense Secret IDN group rules

- It is forbidden to post posts that are not related to niche groups / out of topic (OOT).

- Do not post & comment phishing links, spamming, affiliate/referral links, and other personal interests.

- It is forbidden to post hateful / bullying / disrespectful comments towards fellow members and admins.

- It is forbidden to post & comment that puts someone in a corner (fraudsters, etc.), unless accompanied by complete evidence.

- Do not show off excessively without accompanying tips, tricks and guides to share.

Trading rules

- Post sales orders only on Fridays.

- The transaction risk is borne alone (it is recommended to use a reliable #rekber service).

- Buying and selling posts do not contain external links (Tokopedia links, Lazada, etc.).

- It is recommended to include product names, images, descriptions, and prices in full.

- Products sold must be related to the niche group.

Catatan untuk semua member

- Bagi teman-teman yang baru bergabung, untuk mendownload file grup bisa link berikut :

- Kita semua disini belajar dan berbagi, jadi jangan malu / minder untuk bertanya.

- Diharapkan kerjasama nya untuk membangun grup agar tetap aktif, berjalan baik, dan tetap relevan.

- Mohon bantuanya untuk melakukan "report/lapor" terhadap kiriman yang melanggar semua peraturan adsense secret indonesia.

- Semoga semakin nyaman, aman, dan sukses untuk kita semua.

Catatan untuk member yang di kick

- Grup ini membuka kesempatan untuk member yang telah di kick permanen untuk join kembali, dengan catatan tidak lagi melanggar peraturan grup.

- Semua member yang di kick permanen akan dibuka pemblokiran nya pada waktu tertentu.

Catatan untuk admin & moderator

- Berhak melakukan tindakan tegas pada member yang melanggar peraturan grup.

- Berhak nonaktif kiriman/komentar, hapus posting/komentar, hapus member, dan blokir member, dll.

- Mohon kerjasama teman-teman agar lebih teliti dalam delete post dan blokir member, pastikan dulu member tersebut benar-benar melanggar.

Admin & moderator grup

Adi Gunawan - Agung Dwi Sandi - Ari Sudibyo - Fahri Adrian - Firsta Angga Yulianra Subiakto - Mohammad Syaifullah - Muhammad Reyhan Oriansyah - Muhammad Ridho - Satrio Yadi - Yayan Hermawan - Valent Didit

Official fanspage

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